May 24, 2010

May 24TH 1987

Today is a very special day for me. I was baptized 23 years ago. Elder Griffiths and Elder Shively gave me the lessons and Elder Griffiths baptized me. I remember if it was today. It was so special, I had few people that came even though they only saw me ones. No one of my family came, but it didn't make me sad, I was very happy. I had a black pants suit. I didn't even know you had to wear dress at church. It was a very cold, cold morning and the water wasn't too warm. But I remember I was very happy. I learned the lesson and got baptized in 11 days. I never regretted. I'm so thankful for my decision. Elder Griffiths would repeat quite often " Never forget the members are not perfect, but the church is true. I try always to remember this.
I'm soooo far to be perfect, but I love my heavenly Father so much, I love my brother and Savior Jesus Christ, there are lots of things in this world that I'm not sure, but I know for sure who I'm and that my life has a purpose and that I can be forever with the ones that I love. I know my prayers are always heard and answered, even when it's not the answer that I wanted to hear.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me sooooo much, I can feel his love, I can feel he always cares. I love the young woman music " Learn of me" and I love the music " walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God, be strong and remember who you're. try to understand you're part of his great plan, you're stronger than you know, reach out he will take you hand. Long ago in a time you can't remember, your father held you in his arms so tender, his lovely arms released you as he sent you down to earth he said " my child I love you don't forget you great worth".
I always like to hear these musics when I'm feeling down. It makes me to remember who I really M". A few times I forgot my great worth, I felt weak, I felt down and in those moments when not even me loved myself, my Father and my brother tried to make me feel loved even when I was so hurt and couldn't feel it.
I remember when Flavinho died, my heart was so broken that I thought I wouldn't be able to find the pieces, I thought my heart would never be whole again, but HE, my father in Heaven new that someday I'd LOVE again. Ele sabia que eu amaria de verdade de novo e que esse amor faria meu coracao inteiro de novo. Me fez entender que seja qual fosse a razao de ele ter levado o Flavio e o Fabio no mesmo dia nao era por acaso, eles eram melhores amigos e tinham uma missao juntos. O desejo que eu a mae do Flavio tivemos de entrarmos no templo juntas, o sonho que eu tive com ele sobre isso, um sonho que me pareceu tao real, faz com que eu tenha certeza que a mais coisas no mundo que possamos se quer imaginar. Eu tive pelo menos dois sonhos com ele que jamais serao apagados da minha memoria, coisas tao reais, tao especiais, que foram presentes de Deus para acalmar e amenizar o meu coracao. Obrigada pai, por tantos momentos lindos que vivi e vivo e tenho fe que viverei.


Patty said...

Se post me fez ter saudade do Fabinho.....Saudades suas tambem Selma. Feliz aniversario de batismo!!!

Selma Gibby said...

Eu tambem Patty, as vezes bate uma saudade tao grande e as vezes passo meses sem pensar. Acho que gostaria de estar curiosa para saber com quem o Favinho casou, se tem filhos ao inves de saber que ele nao teve nada disso que a gente tem. E eu sei que ele queria. Ele era apaixonado pelo sobrinho. Oh well! As vezes e dificil nao pensar nos ??????? da vida. Tenho saudades de vc tbem. Vamos ver se vamos p/ NY no Fall. Nao maridos, nao filhos, nao Pets. Humm!