May 2, 2010

Dress modest

Today after church I asked my girls what they talked about in church today, after they told me I asked if they wanted to know what was the talk in Relief Society? Dress modest! and they said, but we dress modest. I said I know, but they're talking also about 2 pieces bikini and that I never really cared about them using because they're kids, but what the First Presidency wants parents to understand if we say that's okay for you to use now, how I'm going to make you understand that's not appropriated when you're 14, because most of your friends at school uses bikini. My girls said that's okay and tomorrow after school we're going to buy 1 piece. E vamos ter todas barrigas brancas igual largatixas.


Patty said...

Fui de biquini na praia sabado pois todo mundo da igreja estaria ocupado....andei um pouco e encontrei o marido da minha conselheira das mocas,,,,,hahahaha...Morri de vergonha e ele disse..."No, you shouldnt be embarrassed you should be proud!!!" Ai que vergonha Selma.....Isso que da nao ser obediente!!!

Selma Gibby said...

Ai Patty e triste, so de pensar em ter barriga de largatixa, o Greg disse que nao acha nada demais se a gente usar so aqui na piscina de casa qdo estiver so a gente. Sempre qdo temos visitas mesmo que sejam os brasileiros so uso 1 piece, mas so qdo nao tem ninguem aproveito para queimar a barriguinha. Patty a gente malha tanto para ficar em forma e tem que esconder tudo ne????