May 13, 2010

A Dog to Love

I'm getting very frustrated with all this search for a dog. The girls now wants to adopt a dog, they're sweet they want to rescue one that needs love. In my case it gets a little complicated, I have a son that has a very bad asthma ( Chad), Greg doesn't want one and said that's my decision. It means I'll (me Selma) take care of it. The boys also said they don't want one. So is only me and the girls. I know the boys and Greg is going to fall in love with the dog.
We have a pool so I don't want a dog that get into the pool. I leave in Texas very hot, so one indoor dog. So after searching my best option is a Yorkshire Terrier. I found one in Houston that I fell in love with him, he's soo cute, he's name is Tyler, but the web doesn't exist anymore, it means him probably got adopted. I'll keep praying for the right one. Need to be a small one. Me a the girls would like a " girl" so we can put those cute things in her hair. I know we'll find the right one, one that needs a lot of love and that likes a lot of hugs, because my girls will spoil this dog. It can be female or male we don't care, just one to love.

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