Sep 16, 2010

Sunday Talk

A sister from Korea gave a talk Sunday at church, she said she always says no when they ask her to give a talk (this is me I always say no,I haven't given a talk in 7 years),but this time she asked to think about it and decided to say yes.
What a talk, it was wonderful,everybody was paying attention.
She asked how many of us has traveled in a train.She said she did several times in her country,she said you pass through several tunnel some are small,some are a littler bigger,and some are very long and dark and that sometimes you stay several minutes inside of one.Because it's dark the small kids cry because they are scared,the older kids play with their shadow in the window and the adults think about their life.Sometimes takes a long time but each tunnel have an end and there is a light.
So she compared those tunnels with our trails,some are small, some are bigger,some of them seams forever and w/o solutions,but like a tunnel they'll have an end and there will be a light.Like the tunnel we have to have faith because you don't know what's ahead at the end of the tunnel.
I really liked her talk,the Lord always answer our prayers and answers come from anywhere,from an ensign, from an stranger,from anywhere, it's up to us really listen to the answer and don't ignore because it's not the answer that we don't want to hear.
We only have this time here on this earth to be the best that we can. I was telling my friend Maria today, that the Lord loves us and he doesn't expect us to let other people hurt us,use us, the Lord really expect us to do what is right, but to also stand for ourselves and never forget who we really are. Sometimes we have to have courage to fight a great fight,with the knowledge that doesn't matter how much it hurt we are not alone,beside our Heavenly Father and Heavenly family, he gave us earthly family to give us a big and warm hug,real friends, because he knew we would need that. I don't know why but I felt a strong desire to write about her talk.Doesn't matter how long is the path and have to go through, we are not alone.

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