Sep 2, 2010

Missing home

I'm missing Brazil so much today that hurts. My brother and my sister-in-law are coming this month and my mom next mom. That will be so much fun, I'm so glad they're coming.
Next year I'll go home, I hate flying, I'll take two pills and I wake up there, such a long flight. I'll stay in Sao Paulo w my mom and my family for a while and then I'll go north to my Dad's house.
I call my mom everyday and I can't imagine the day when she'll be gone. I guess I'm little nervous too because Chad has a game today in Waco and I can't go, he'll ride in the bus. He'll be fine, he's so funny and silly, he's so cute. I look those boys from football and then In look at Chad, those boys are so much bigger than him, he should continue to play baseball I like it much better than football.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Tambem to com bastante saudades do Brasil Selminha....mas quem sabe logo vamos pra la. Que bom que sua mae vem nao eh...Morro de saudades da minha quando ela nao esta por perto!