Jun 7, 2011

Greg's request....!!!!

Greg said that I had to post this!!!! I recycle everything, I save empty roll of paper towel and toilet paper and give to preschool so they can use for art. Anyway I don't like to fry things inside the house and we almost don't fry anything, but we have an electrical fryer that Greg uses more than me.
Last week I cleaned the fryer but wasn't sure what to do with the oil so I got an empty laundry detergent container and put the oil inside for see if Greg could take to the same place that he takes the oil from the cars after he changes it.
To make the story short I went to do some laundry and when I poured the detergent I thought it looked weird, I smelled and it was oil and was already inside the machine, then I looked in the dryer and Greg's clothes was there and smelling fried chicken.
Greg did all his laundry with fried chicken oil. I called him, then he said when he got in his car, at work, everything was smelling friend chicken and he couldn't understand why. Now he knows. Greg was the one that put the container in the laundry.
I think that was a good reason for a second wife, hahahaha!!!!, but he said that would be one more thing to remember in the future and laugh about it, probably with the boneless chicken that I baked 450 degree for 4 hrs 20 years ago, with the brand new car that I forgot on. locked with the key inside for 2 hrs and many, many others....:) I guess if depend on me we'll have a lot to laugh about it. And yes Greg washed all his cloth again.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! thanks. Robin