Apr 29, 2010

Things that kids say:

My kids just asked me if is there anything else that I think beside cleaning, they said that I tell them to clean all the time. I answered " Oh yes! has a lot of other things that I think about, like I could read my book, I love to read, I could get on with my french Cd's and practice it, I can think of soooooo many things that I could do with my extra time if you would pick up and clean up your own mess" and I gave them a smile and told them very nicely to go put their clean, folded clothes way.
Kids don't understand how much we do while they're at school, these when I'm not at school helping in something or doing visiting teaching, taking or picking up laundry, and all the activities after school, I'm not complaining just saying that they don't think.
Tati wants a friend to come over with her after school tomorrow and stay for a sleep over, normally I don't care, I prefer their friends come to our house, than they go their house, but I'm so tired today, I really don't know why, I slept good last night, I didn't even see when Greg came to bed and I woke up at 6:30am, but since 2 this afternoon I'm so sleeping. I did yoga this morning for 1 1/2 hrs and felt so good.
Anyway I told Tati not tomorrow and she keep asking me why? Can you think about again? No, Nao.
Tomorrow I have to go to Houston, I have to resolve my Brazilian vote card, I haven't vote or justify why I didn't vote for all this years that I'm here. In Brazil it's not option to vote or not, You MUST VOTE, or you pay big fines. There is a card that's called Titulo de Eleitor every Brazilian Citizen has one with a number, every time that you vote they stamp it, so now if you're Brazilian and live in another country and you don't participate and Vote to chose the Brazilian President, you can't renew you Brazilian Passport.
This year Brazil is going to choose the new president, so we have only until May 5 to have everything in order, May 5 is the last day. So I'm going tomorrow with some Brazilian friends, Greg will come home early to pick up the kids. I don't know how long it will take in Houston.
I didn't call my mom today, normally I call her everyday, I hope she comes this summer, she's saying she's coming for the last 3 years, I think she gets nervous to come alone. Greg was asking me this morning if she's coming, he really likes her, he laugh so hard because when my mom come to visit she doesn't let us take Greg's shirts to the cleaner and she even irons he's t-shirt, even the ones he uses to work in the yard, I can't laugh because I iron most of my t-shirts and I don't leave the house with wrinkle clothe. Dinner time, shower time and then bed time. I don't feel like post any photo, only if is a picture of a bed. I need to start to write my posting in Portuguese, the main reason I have this is to my family see the pictures and I think would be nice for them to be able to read, believe or not I get confused when I write in Portuguese sometime, if the word is w/ 1 s, 2 ss. How sad my Portuguese used to be perfect, I'm here over 20 years, I talk a lot in Portuguese, but I don't write or read much in Portuguese, it's funny but even my scriptures, my prayers is all in English, is automatic, sometimes I say it in both.

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