Mar 26, 2011

Listen to your heart,listen to the spirit....

Greg was out of town the whole week, so I was up and down with the kids in all directions. No one wants to go to the grocery store at 6:00PM. No parking spot,long lines, but I felt that I should go to the grocery store and buy a plant and a card to Ms Lou. I looked the time and saw almost 6:00pm, but I felt even stronger that I should go or it would be too late. So I went, bought her a plant and bought a card, as I was choosing a card I couldn't stop the tears going down as I felt in my heart that was it, the last act of kindness and love I'd do for her,
Last night when Suzana was here in my house I told her that I dreamed all night about Ms Lou and in my dream she was happy and healthy as she used to be, she told me that was funny because a friend of ours told her the same thing yesterday.
This morning I got a message that said. " Today our mommy is an angel", it broke my heart, but I know she's in peace and painless.
Ms Lou bravely battled breast cancer for years, then bone cancer and just few month ago found out she had brain cancer. I'm glad I listened to my heart, to the spirit or I'd regret not doing what I did, because it would have been to late.

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