Jun 7, 2011

I'll find you my friend.....

May 24th 1987 was the day I was baptized. Every year I like to write something about it.One day one of my children or a grandchildren will enjoy reading this or gain a testimony reading this. You never know.

Some people pass through our lives and we don't even notice, some people are more special than others, some people we remember the face, but not remember the name, some people we remember with joy, some people we remember with hurt or anger, some people we have a strong connection that is like we know that person forever. Some people touch our hearts and makes us to feel something that we don't understand, but somehow has a vague feeling that we already know, but forgot. Some people cross our life without a reason, some people God put in our way, because he loves us so much. He knows our needs and our weakness, I always believed in Angels among us, we're put in each other path sometimes for a reason, so we can help each other roll our wagon when it's too heavy.
That's the feeling that I had when I met the missionaries. God's love comes in all shapes,forms,colors,language. As my uncle that was from another faith always told me " Wildilselma you're one of the chosen ones " and gave me my first bible. He was right, my patriarcal blessing says the same thing.
How thankful I'm for Elder Griffiths and Elder Shiveley. Griffiths once told me " I feel like I know you, maybe it was from the spiritual world and I think I promised you that I'd find you"
My first calling in church after just a month being baptized was in young woman, the Lord wanted me to learn while teaching that I was a daughter of god, my testimony was growing every Sunday.
How special was having Griffiths on my wedding in the Temple, how beautiful and touching was the THANK YOU letter that Greg wrote to Griffiths thanking him for teaching me the gospel, that I was the best gift he ever received. We all joke around that I hope I can wear hills in heaven and that I love to shop, but who knows me knows, that I like to have fun and be happy, I'm a free spirit, that heaven for me will be perfect heaven if I can least decorate my room and throw a party ones a year :) The Lord wants us to be happy, have joy and be the best that we can. Love and respect each other.
How wonderful is the Lords plan, he makes no mistakes, everything has a purpose. I can't thank the Lord enough for so many blessings, for a wonderful priest holder that I love with all my heart, four sweet spirits that are my life and that he trusted me with to love,protect,care and teach, thank for my sweet Doche that bring so much happiness and joy to my life as well and I hope he'll be my eternal puppy.
My brother Wilian always said the fruit don't fall to far from the tree, the kind of people we're, are the kind of people our children will be.
Couple more year Cody is going to serve a mission and I pray that he finds and touch as many heart as he can of those that someday he promised he'd find them. I pray that doesn't matter how far the wind may take my children that they will always remember the tree they came from, I never forgot my and I was alone and far away from home. I knew who I was and who I was meant to be,before being Selma Gibby, I was Selma Novaes, but even before that I was and always will be a dear daughter of loving heavenly parents, a child of God.

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